Heart-Opening Cacao Ceremony: A Ritual for Gratitude, Love, and Expansion

Heart-Opening Cacao Ceremony: A Ritual for Gratitude, Love, and Expansion

I recently started using cacao—not just as a delicious and nourishing drink, but as a sacred ritual.

My recent journey with cacao began as a gratitude ceremony on my birthday, a way to reflect on the past year and welcome the new one with warmth and appreciation. I enjoyed the experience so much, it has become a morning ritual where I set intentions, cultivate gratitude, and start my day with an open heart.

With Valentine’s Day coming up, this is a great opportunity to use a heart-opening Cacao! Whether you're single or in a relationship, this cacao can help you connect deeper with yourself and your romantic partner.

It can also be powerful to do a heart-opening practice any time you want to expand feelings of love within yourself - read more about the benefits of being in a heart-centered state below!

One of my favorite blends is the Tantric Rose Blossom from Ora Cacao, a ceremonial-grade cacao infused with whole rose petals for heart-opening, sensuality, emotional support, and intimacy. It also includes damiana – well-loved for its aphrodisiac qualities and wide-ranging additional benefits.

Get 10% off your purchase! Use my referral code link Lauren51102 or enter "Lauren51102" at checkout for a discount on your Ora Cacao order.

Keep reading for my ceremony recommendations and guidance!

❤️ The Perfect Valentine's Day Ritual

Whether you're celebrating self-love or romantic love, a cacao ceremony is a meaningful way to mark Valentine's Day. This ritual invites warmth, gratitude, and deep connection—perfect for embracing love in all forms.

If you're single, use this time to honor yourself, set empowering intentions, and nurture your heart.

If you're in a relationship, sharing a cacao ceremony with your partner can create a beautiful space for appreciation, intimacy, and deeper emotional connection.

See below for instructions on how to do a ceremony!

You may also be interested in my relationship workbook with over 50 exercises and questions to expand and deepen your relationship!

The Science of Love and Well-Being

There is well-documented science behind the benefits of being in a state of love. Researchers in neuroscience and stem cell biology have found that when we are in love—whether with a partner, with life, or simply through cultivating a deep sense of gratitude and joy—we produce more Dopamine and Oxytocin.

These hormones play a crucial role in improving our mood, enhancing immune function, increasing feelings of trust and excitement, reducing stress (by lowering cortisol levels), and even boosting our pain tolerance.

As one researcher put it: "Our physiology works at its best when we’re in a state of love."

The great news? You don’t need to be in a romantic relationship to experience these benefits!

By practicing mindfulness, gratitude, surrounding yourself with supportive people, and engaging in joyful activities, you can intentionally shift into a heart-centered state and reap the rewards of love. Doing a heart-opening cacao ceremony is a wonderful way to do this as well!

The Scientific and Ritualistic Benefits of a Cacao Ceremony

A cacao ceremony extends beyond the act of consuming cacao; it serves as an intentional practice that promotes self-awareness, emotional regulation, and deeper interpersonal connections.

Research highlights several physiological and psychological benefits of cacao consumption:

🌿 Mood Enhancement – Neuromodulators in cacao, including serotonin and anandamide, contribute to sustained emotional well-being.

Cognitive and Physical Stimulation – Theobromine, a gentle stimulant, enhances circulation and cognitive alertness, making cacao a suitable alternative to coffee.

🛠 Nutritional Replenishment – Cacao is rich in essential minerals such as magnesium, iron, and zinc, which support metabolic and neurological health.

🌟 Mindfulness and Intentionality – Ritualistic engagement with cacao fosters a greater sense of presence, gratitude, and introspection.

In my own personal experience, I’ve found it can be quite healing as well!

How to Create Your Own Heart-Opening Cacao Ceremony

For Solo Practice:

Engaging in a personal cacao ceremony can be a beautiful way to deepen self-love, release emotional blocks, increase creativity, and set powerful intentions.

Here’s how to create your own practice:

  1. Prepare Your Space – Light a candle, play soft music, and create a cozy, sacred setting. For an enhanced experience, listen to my specially curated Heart-Opening Cacao Ceremony Playlist on Spotify.

  2. Make Your Cacao (recipe below) – Prepare it intentionally, infuse it with thoughts of love and gratitude.

  3. Set an Intention – Hold your cup, close your eyes, and focus on your heart space. What do you want to invite into your life? More love, clarity, strength, peace?

  4. Mindfully Drink – Take small sips, savoring each moment. Let the warmth of the cacao fill your body.

  5. Journaling or Meditation – During or after drinking, reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and insights - journal or meditate. Here’s a beautiful 6-minute meditation to increase confidence and inner peace.

For Couples:

Cacao can be a beautiful ritual to share with your partner, enhancing connection, intimacy, and deep conversations.

  1. Prepare Your Space – Light a candle, play soft music, and create a cozy, sacred setting. For an enhanced experience, listen to my specially curated Heart-Opening Cacao Ceremony Playlist on Spotify.

  2. Make a Double Batch! (recipe below)– One for you and one for your partner.

  3. Share Intentions – Before drinking, take turns sharing what you’re grateful for and your intentions.

  4. Sip in Presence – Put away phones and distractions. Simply enjoy each other’s company and mindfully enjoy the cacao.

  5. Heartfelt Connection – Deepen the experience by connect with each other in a physical way - hold hands, look into each other’s eyes, and/or breathe together. Share thoughts as they arise.

  6. Follow with a Loving Activity – A deep conversation, a dance, or simply resting together in gratitude.

If you want to take the experience even deeper, get the relationship workbook, for exercises, videos, and more!

Ceremonial Cacao Recipe

If you need to purchase your Cacao, you can use my referral code Lauren51102 to get 10% off your purchase! I suggest Tantric Rose Blossom.


  • 20 - 25 cacao discs (0.8 - 1.0 oz) of ceremonial grade Cacao

  • 3/4 cup (6oz) hot water, tea, or your favorite milk (around 170-180°F)

  • Optional: A touch of sweetener (honey, maple syrup, stevia) or I like to add ~5g of chocolate protein powder for additional nourishment


  1. Put cacao discs in a mug or blender.

  2. Add hot liquid of your choice.

  3. Blend or froth for 10-15 seconds to create a creamy, smooth texture.

  4. Set an intention – Take a few deep breaths, center yourself, and focus on your heart.

  5. Enjoy mindfully – Drink slowly, allowing yourself to fully experience the moment.

Whether you’re looking to deepen self-love or enhance connection with your partner, a Heart-Opening Cacao Ceremony is a beautiful and nourishing ritual to incorporate into your life. Let this be an invitation to slow down, sip with intention, and open your heart to more love and gratitude. ❤️

If you want to improve your connection with your partner or uncover your own limiting beliefs, you’ll love the exercises and resources in the relationship workbook.

Have you tried a cacao ceremony before? I’d love to hear about your experience in the comments! ✨

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