My battle with body image and insecurity
In the fresh mineral spring at Rock Springs Kelly Park near Orlando, FL.
This was me last week. Most of you know this version of Lo - or at least as much as you can know through the veil of social media. What you don’t know is that this version of me struggled with body image and body insecurity issues for my entire life. Please do not comment “What?! Omg?! You look great!” - or something to that affect - just listen. (Or read rather.)
That belief is something I’ve worked to reverse/undo/change over the past 4-5 years pretty intently and made a little progress, and was trying on a less intense level 3-4 years before then… and if you’ve been following me for a while, you know how intentional and positive I am! But no matter how hard I tried, or what I knew I “should” believe, there was still a belief DEEP inside me that I couldn’t shake: that I was imperfect, ashamed of my body, and I was never satisfied, no matter how thin or fit or strong or sexy I looked in a given moment... No matter how many people or partners told me positive things, it didn’t matter.
This weekend, I attended a 3-day PSYCH-K® workshop where I learned how I could transform limiting beliefs like this one. (Although I didn’t really fully grasp that or intend to change my body image issues specifically when I signed up.) These deep beliefs live in our subconscious mind, where 95% of our consciousness operates from. Body processes like heartbeat, blow flow, digestion, etc. live in the subconscious, as well as core beliefs, attitudes, etc.
On Saturday, I was able to uproot this deep negative belief about myself and plant a positive, loving one in its place. Y’all. I FELT the shift. It was SO powerful. I freaking cried. Not just in that moment, but throughout the day. I didn’t realize how heavy it was... The “weight” of that belief. And mean! I was my worst critic. How sad it was to beat myself up every day. And maybe it wasn’t full-blown punches like it used to be, but I was still taking jabs after YEARS of punishment AND trying to stop - through meditations, affirmations, etc. And now, I don’t have to carry it. PHEWW!! I mean really, it’s a HUGE relief. 🙌
So why am I telling you this? A few reasons:
1️⃣ If you feel this way about your body or on other areas of your life, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! We all struggle - might not be with the same thing, but with something. (Also Be kind, because everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about.)
2️⃣ Healing and change is possible 💯.
3️⃣ The power of the mind is CRAZY!! We can do big things - IF we are aligned and allow them to happen.
4️⃣ I wanted to celebrate myself a bit. This is a huge victory for me. I am also trying to be vulnerable and this felt like an appropriate way to do that.
5️⃣ If you want to know more about this shift and/or are seeking to change a limiting belief, I am now trained to assist others in moving through this process. Shoot me a DM or email ( and we can chat more.
Love you, friends.
Stay kind. Keep growing.
xo, Lo