Got 99 problems? Here's how to fix them.

Got 99 problems? Here's how to fix them.


It’s easy to get stuck complaining about problems - or even get stuck in anxiety. But what I’ve learned - and what research tells us - is that movement and action will solve most of our problems. Maybe not immediately, but in order to solve something, you must get started! Let me give you a few examples…

😳Stuck in anxiety and feeling overwhelmed?
👉Go for a walk or move your body and then journal - brain dump all your thoughts onto a piece of paper. Make a plan to tackle all the things you need to do or address. Then start working through them!

⌛️Don’t have enough time in your day?
👉Besides the obvious “wake up earlier” (I hate when people tell me this lol) - make a list of all the things you have going on and prioritize. What can you STOP doing? What can you delegate? What is urgent vs what can wait? What things can you ask for help with? Maybe you need to hire someone to help you.

💪Out of shape?
👉Start keeping a log of your diet. Create a workout plan. There are millions of free workouts online. Try a few, find something you like, and commit to it for 3 weeks. If you have the resources, hire a coach to help with your nutrition or workouts, or both! Also, it helps to shift your mindset into a LIFESTYLE change, not just a temporary diet plan.

💰In debt? Can’t pay your rent?
👉Review your budget, make a plan, maybe hire a coach, cut unnecessary spending, find a secondary source of income, move somewhere more affordable, sell things you don’t need. Sometimes you need to suck it up in the short term to win in the long term.

🧑‍💻Out of work?
👉Make a list of all the things you love to do, are good at, and hate to do. From the list that you love and are good at, think of or google jobs that relate to that skill. Take an online course, learn something new. Create a plan to apply to a certain number of jobs. Reach out to your network. Maybe it’s time to start the business you’ve always wanted or go back to school.

😔Feeling depressed?
👉Our bodies are made to MOVE. Force yourself to get up and go for at least a 30 min walk every day. Start a gratitude journal and write in it every day. Start working with a therapist. While I’m not saying depression is easy to solve - trust me I know how hopeless it can feel - you have to start somewhere. You CAN start taking little steps to pull yourself out.

💥Bottom line - START! Ask for help. You are not alone and it’s not impossible. Maybe it won’t be easy, but don’t think about the whole journey. Just focus on the first time. Then the next one, then the next one. You got this!

🧐 Now why did I say action will solve “97” of your problems, but not all 99? Sometimes there are things you need to walk away from, say “no” to, and others where you just need to STOP, slow down, and recover. This is where it’s important to find/understand the difference between resistance or fear and exhaustion or something that’s unhealthy. Tune in, get curious, listen to your gut.

💥 What action will you take today?

Keep growing, friends!
xo Lo

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