What is a "Balance"? How PSYCH-K® Energy Psychology works

One of the most powerful forces in the human psyche is our need to stay consistent with who we believe we are. We also have invisible limiting beliefs and defensive mechanisms we develop over time that hold us back from achieving our dreams or realizing our full potential. Unfortunately, when we’re trying to make positive changes or improvements in our life, these factors can be very detrimental. In order to effectively change, we need more than willpower, discipline, and mantras.

In order to truly change, be healthy and happy, and realize our full potential, we need to address these beliefs, operate in a whole-brain state, and allow our mind, body, heart, and soul (or spirit) to come into alignment. This might sound like a lofty goal that only the best monks achieve, but the truth is that it’s accessible for all of us! This is where my unique process comes in…

By combining over 10 years of life coaching experience and methodology with PSYCH-K® and trauma-informed techniques, as well as my expertise around process improvement, I’ve created a system for change, healing, and growth that produces incredible results: The Inner Glow Method.

In this article I’m going to share a bit of the thought and research behind the process of PSYCH-K® since it’s a relatively unknown methodology and is instrumental in my system. It’s partially what has allowed me to facilitate noticeable change in clients in hours, days, and weeks - not months or years when using only life coaching techniques!

Want to learn more or ready to book a session? Click here.

A Quick Introduction to PSYCH-K®

PSYCH-K® is a simple, yet powerful process to change subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging. It can also assist with healing relationships, trauma, stress, anxiety, and more.

The PSYCH-K® method was developed in 1988 and is derived from contemporary neuroscience research as well as ancient mind/body wisdom. It falls into a category called Energy Psychology, which has emerged over the past few decades.

The process for implementing PSYCH-K® is called a “Balance.” A Balance can help you overcome your limiting beliefs, reduce anxiety, and reduce resistance in the mind and body. Before we can go into depth about Balances or how they work, we need to cover a bit of background information about how our brain works and why we need Balances in the first place.

A (Re-)Introduction to Your Brain

Did you know that:

  • Your conscious brain only controls about 5% of your life, processing information at 40 bits of information/second.

  • Your conscious brain handles short term memory (~20 seconds) as well as thinking of past and future events. It thinks abstractly, sets goals, and judges the results.

  • Your subconscious brain controls 95% of your life, processing information at 40 MILLION bits of information/second.

  • Your subconscious brain operates in the present and handles a massive amount of tasks including long term memory, values, beliefs, motor functions, heart rate, digestion, and more.

  • The subconscious brain thinks very literally, like a 5-year-old.

  • When you are stressed or triggered and you cross “stress threshold,” you lose access to crucial executive functioning abilities, like rational thinking, decision making, logic, planning, and more. It’s a biological response we all have.

While this is all very interesting, you may be wondering how it applies to you…

First, consider this, when you’re trying to make changes, your conscious brain is up against your subconscious brain. Your subconscious brain is 10 MILLION TIMES MORE POWERFUL. That’s like a snail up against a rocket.

Second, researchers have found that on average, 70% of the subconscious beliefs we have are negative, disempowering, and not supportive to our growth and improvement! You might be thinking “HOLY $#&% - 70%?!” Yes, approximately 70% of our subconscious beliefs are essentially sabotaging us.

Your next questions are probably, “How? Why? How do I change it?!”

Let’s start with the How and the Why… Over time as humans have developed, and especially in Western society, we’ve adopted belief structures, systems, and habits. Some of them are defense mechanisms that are trying to protect us. Others are intentional programming used by some institutions in order to gain money and power. And others have just happened unintentionally as we’ve evolved as a result of our surroundings.

Bottom line, it’s not one person or organization’s fault, it’s just what’s happened and where we are as a society. (So don’t blame it (all) on your parents! Most people are just doing the best they can with what they’ve been given and what they know. Also not minimizing the harm that can be inflicted by parents, I often work through these issues with my 1:1 clients.)

Since we can’t change the past, I find it more useful to focus on the present and future - about what we can do NOW! Which brings us to how we change our subconscious beliefs…

Changing Subconscious Beliefs

Changing subconscious beliefs can be done in 4 ways:

  1. Major life events - births, deaths, accidents, etc.

  2. Repetition of affirmations - note: in order to do this, you would need to repeat and focus on 1 specific affirmation 50+ times per day, every day, for a minimum of 3-4 weeks.

  3. Hypnosis

  4. Energy Psychology - like PSYCH-K® ! There are many modalities of Energy Psychology, however PSYCH-K® is found to be one of the most effective and is the preferred method of Dr. Bruce Lipton, a stem cell biologist and author of Biology of Belief.

In order to learn more about Energy Psychology and how PSYCH-K® Balances work, we need to cover a little more background in regards to a “whole-brained” state…

Brain Dominance Theory (also known as Split-Brain Theory)

Brain dominance theory states that while all humans have the ability to use both sides of their brain together, most of us “default” to one side or the other.

The findings of the Brain Dominance Theory have become increasingly popular over the years. You might have even seen this ad by Mercedes-Benz:

While this ad is definitely visually appealing, and the theory is interesting, it’s not entirely accurate. We don’t just use one side of the brain or the other for these functions, but many of us do tend towards the characteristics or skills of one vs. the other. So for the purposes of this article, we will refer to “left” and “right” hemispheres, but only in their characteristics, not the actual processing & functioning of the brain.

The LEFT hemisphere of your brain controls the RIGHT side of your body. It’s characteristics include:

  • logic and reason

  • thinking in words

  • dealing in specifics

  • will analyze

  • will break apart

  • thinking sequentially

  • identifying with the individual

  • order and control

The RIGHT hemisphere of your brain controls the LEFT side of your body and has the following characteristics:

  • emotional, intuitive, and creative

  • thinking in pictures

  • dealing in wholes and relationships

  • will synthesize

  • will put together

  • thinks simultaneously & holistically

  • identifies with the group

  • is spontaneous & free

Most of us are programmed or encouraged to adopt a dominant state. In doing this, we assume a belief that we are not “good” at using the other side and don’t work on developing those skills. But this doesn’t mean we don’t have access! And in fact, we’re more intelligent and powerful when we’re using both hemispheres of our brain.

Think about solving a complex problem - you might think you only need left brain logic. But if you do that, you’re missing out on right brain creativity, which leads to innovation and growth. Additionally, if we only use left brain logic, we tend to focus on details and miss the big picture. Coming from the opposite side, if you’re a right brain artist, you might be super creative but aren’t able to get things done or often float from one project to the next without completing anything. You need a bit of left brain structure!

The best thinkers and minds in the world, and in history, apply a whole-brained state to their work!

What’s also critical to understand is that from a biological perspective, the whole brain can only work together when the body is in a state of calm. So when we are stressed, anxious, or triggered beyond our tolerance threshold, we lose our ability to be in a whole-brain state. In my sessions and workshops, this is a foundational element I teach to my clients.

How a PSYCH-K® Balance Works

Now that we have the proper context and background of WHY, we need to address our subconscious and have a “whole-brained” state, we can dive into the process of change.

PSYCH-K® Balances can re-program your subconscious beliefs AND bring you into a whole-brain state so you can function more optimally and utilize the full capacity of your brain!

Balances also help us remove the weight of our limiting beliefs, our defense mechanisms, and our traumas, it frees us to connect and align our mind with our body, heart, and soul.

During my sessions with clients, we identify their limiting beliefs and any traumas that may be blocking them from living a more peaceful, balanced, and focused life. Once a specific goal statement (desired outcome) has been established, the balance posture is determined, and the client is guided through the process.

Each session, we do 1 or 2 more balances, depending on time and client needs. Each balance is different, it brings it’s own shifts, energy, and experience for the client. Sometimes one balance unlocks many others and other times we need multiple balances for one topic.

We can do a balance for anything! Seriously, the list of topics I’ve done balances for is quite long and diverse! Whether you’re feeling stressed or anxious, struggling with confidence, having trouble setting boundaries or saying “no,” or perhaps you’re sabotaging your relationships because of your past experiences or trauma, or are struggling with weight loss or fitness goals, or maybe it’s something else that you can’t necessarily pin-point, but you know something is wrong or off.

Are you ready to transform your life?

You can read about one of my first experiences using a Balance in regards to my body dysmorphia.

If you’d like to learn more about a Balance or having a Balance session, please submit this form.

Sending you much love, light, and healing!




Information in this post references the following sources: https://psych-k.com/, the PSYCH-K® Facilitator training manuals, https://www.brucelipton.com/, The Institute of Heartmath, and Dr. Joe Dispenza’s blog.

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