All in habits

Stress and Burnout Assessment

Stress and Burnout are real and can affect our mental health, our performance, and our relationships. Analyze your stress levels with this free assessment. Sometimes high stress levels can become our “baseline” for existing and we aren’t able to recognize it because it has become “normal” for us!

Social Media Detox Tips

We now know how negative social media can be for mental health when we don’t set boundaries. When used responsibility, social media can be a great tool for connection, but unfortunately the data says this is not the norm. Doing a social media detox a few times a year can help you keep healthy boundaries with social media and improve your mental health.

80 Affirmations and Mantras for Positive Change and Abundance

Affirmation statements are extremely powerful tools when it comes to programming - or re-programming - our minds. When we focus on what we want instead of what we don’t want, we give life to our new desires rather than living in the past. The best affirmation statement for YOU will be something that resonates with you - use words that you like and make it your own!

Work-Life Balance Quiz

Too often, we get caught up in the day-to-day grind that we don't even realize something is wrong or how tired we are. I created this assessment as a personal inventory for you, to give you valuable insight into your habits, where your energy is being drained, and the impact to your overall wellness.