What I Learned About Life and Business from Surfing — Lo Myrick
What I Learned About Life and Business from Surfing

What I Learned About Life and Business from Surfing

A few years ago, I learned how to surf in Costa Rica 🏄🏻‍♀️

I knew it was going to be an incredible experience, but I wasn’t expecting to learn really powerful - and surprising - lessons about life and business just from one day of surfing…

I’m no surfing expert, but I was still able to appreciate the feeling of gliding across the water. 

You can’t force it, you have to go with the flow.

It’s honestly one of the most beautiful things I have ever experienced.

It feels like floating or flying.

Combine that with being fully present, clear-minded, surrounded by nature, and in flow - and it’s almost surreal.

It’s freeing - and that feeling is addicting.

Since then, I’ve tried to bring this level of presence and “flow” to all that I do - whether it’s a physical activity or work.

Trying to let go - of control, of “shoulds” - and looking for more alignment and ease.

And it feels SO GOOD!

Because when you move in alignment and ease, you get more done, the path becomes easier, and you have more fun along the way, just like in surfing.

While I’m not perfect at this either, I’ve made a lot of progress.

It’s actually hard to relate to the way I operated even 5 years ago…

I thought I could force the water (of my life, work, etc.) to move the way I wanted.

Now it feels like I am now gliding on top of the water, instead of swimming upstream.

We can choose how we show up in every moment.

And I’m choosing ease and flow as much as possible 🤙

How about you?


While I can’t teach you how to surf on the water, I can help you surf more freely in your life!

If you’re ready to find more authenticity and ease in your life, let’s connect! I’d love to help you or your team accomplish your goals.


#surfing #personaldevelopment #mindset

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