2021 Reflections and Top 10
As this year comes to a close and I do my own personal reflection, I couldn’t help notice how different this year was than so many others… I stopped participating in “hustle culture” going from an over-achiever to “just” an achiever. And that’s a AMAZING thing! Because I stopped trying to force things and work endless hours, and instead found the ease in life. (Yes, that’s a real thing!) I actually got more done and enjoyed life so much more. Trust me, it’s a massive relief. If this sounds like you and you want to escape “the grind,” book a free 30-minute call and I will outline a plan for you.
In my final post of 2021, I wanted to share the top 10 most popular resources, inspirations, and insights with you. From relationships, to health, business and more, it’s a collection of my most shared/popular content and gems from others! (see below)
Last, if you’re looking for a way to reflect on the past year or set goals for the coming year, here’s my free Reflection & Goal Setting workbook.
Before you make any resolutions, definitely watch this less than 3-minute video.
Wishing you so much joy and fulfillment in the year ahead!
Cheers to you,
Lo’s 2021 Top 10
The most popular resource I shared this year by far was the monthly relationship check-in questions. These have been instrumental in my own relationship’s success, as well as for my clients and friends.
2. Becoming an Advanced Facilitator of PSYCH-K® in March was a huge game-changer for me, as it allowed me to do remote Balances with clients. PSYCH-K® has allowed me to 10X my client results vs. regular coaching. To learn more about what PSYCH-K® is and how a Balance works, click here.
3. A super short (under 2 min) and mind-blowing video from stem-cell Biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton about how our thoughts not only shape our reality but our cells & our health.
4. Earlier this month, I was a featured expert in the WSJ (for the 3rd time!) discussing ways you can empower yourself and be your own coach. My post about it on LinkedIn had over 64,000 views! Here is a link to the full WSJ article.
5. A quote I discovered this year that has become one of my favorites: "Stop measuring days by degree of productivity and start experiencing them by degree of presence." - Alan Watts
6. You’re either a morning person or you’re not. Either way, the way you start your day matters. Here are 7 tips to improve your mornings.
7. This fall, I launched my new 8-week Transformation Accelerator course. This is honestly the best program I’ve ever created. It’s for driven individuals who are done settling for less than what they deserve (in work, relationships, etc.) and ready to take massive action. Click here to learn more.
8. People I’ve saved the most posts from this year: Adam Grant and Rob Hill.
9. Earlier this year, I completed a 12-episode web-series Taste Exchange with my co-creator/producer Aaron Atkinson. It was such an amazing experience meeting these incredible creators, chefs, bartenders, and owners in the restaurant industry. Check it out if you’re looking for some inspiration - in your life or in the kitchen!
10. Whether you work on a team or own a business, here are 4 things you can improve on to become more successful - and happy! - at work!