Reduce Stress & Improve Your Mental State in Less than 10 Seconds | Simple & Effective Breathing Techniques

Reduce Stress & Improve Your Mental State in Less than 10 Seconds | Simple & Effective Breathing Techniques

Want to know 1 simple thing that can reduce your stress and improve your mood in 10 seconds?

No, it's not a new miracle pill or a green drink...

It's B R E A T H I N G!

Specifically conscious, diaphragmatic breathing!

Breathing is such an incredibly powerful tool for mind and body health!

The more you practice this type of breathing and incorporate it into life, the more beneficial it will be!

Isn’t it funny how the simple solutions are often the best?! 😃

In the image, you will find the benefits you can gain by conscious, diaphragmatic breathing. Bonus? These effects have been studied and are all scientifically backed! 🙌🥳

Keep reading for tips on how to do this and some specific breathing exercises.

Conscious, Diaphragmatic Breathing can:

  • Reduce stress

  • Reduce anxiety

  • Calm the nervous system

  • Improve digestion

  • Increase energy

  • Improve focus

  • Improve sleep

  • Lower heart rate

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Improve core muscle stability

  • Increase tolerance to intense exercise

  • Increase sense of inner peace

  • Increase mindfulness

  • Increase sense of well-being

benefits of breathing by Lo Myrick

How to Breathe Better

If you aren’t familiar with conscious, diaphragmatic breathing, it’s a more intentional, healthful way to breath. Here are a few tips on how to do it:

- Find a long, slow, steady breath in and out through your nose. (Some people like to exhale through their mouth, but the science shows nasal breathing is best, do what’s most comfortable to you to start.)

- Expand your diaphragm / belly when you inhale, contract / collapse the same area when you exhale.

- Continue your breathing, deepening each portion of the breath and pause cycles. Make sure it’s still comfortable, if you are straining, it’s too much.


Breathing Techniques

Here are a few specific techniques to help ground you, quiet your mind, & reduce stress:

📌 4-7-8 breathing: Breathe in for a 4 count, hold for 7 count, exhale for 8 count, repeat

📌 4x4x4x4 breathing: Inhale for 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4, repeat

📌 6-3-9 breathing: Inhale for 6, hold for 3, exhale for 9, repeat


If you enjoyed this post and want to learn more about stress reduction and mental health, check out my Mental Health & Self Care Masterclass!

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